Family life in LA


Workshop teaches LA parents internet safety

When your computer freezes, who do you go to? More often than not, moms and dads turn to their kids. Raised on devices, millennials are considered “digital natives”. Even if they can figure out how to register for Reddit and Facebook, does that mean they should be let loose in the dark waters of the Internet? Two tech gurus say otherwise, and on November 12 they will offer a free workshop to teach parents safe habits for thier children using the internet.
Jon Moffat, Family Technology guru, will be hosting a Family Internet Safety Seminar to answer your questions about appropriate family smartphone and internet use. Refreshments will be served!
Also there will be John Wu, inventor of the Mifi Mobile Hotspot (selected by Time Magazine as product of the decade) and founder of new company, Gryphon, introducing easy to use Wifi for modern families, protecting kids from seeing inappropriate content by accident.