Family life in LA


Quick fix sink stopper repair, prevents clogs and jewelry down the drain

Recently I pulled up the metal stopper in my sink, and it came out in my hand. After fiddling with it for about an hour I gave up. A plumber told me the entire assembly needed to be replaced, at a cost of $135.
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I decided to live with an open drain, but after a few close calls with Contacts and earrings falling into the sink and almost going into the drain, I decided I needed another option. I found out about A sink strainer and hair catcher called Sink Shroom. It gets it’s moniker from its mushroom shape, with a system that fits down into the drain with a top that rests outside the drain. It has two tabs that keep it from going to flush against the drain.
This little device is designed to catch hair before it goes down the drain, and it can be easily removed and cleaned with a tissue or paper towel. It’s a great option if you don’t want to make an expensive repair, as in my case, or if you have a problem with clogs from hair going into the drain.
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My situation being a case in point, plumbers can cost a lot of money, and clogs can cause other problems besides inconvenience, such as requiring the use of dangerous acid-based liquid solutions to dissolve clogs. These chemicals are harmful to your pipes and also a hazard for humans, not just because they can cause skin irritation if they come in contact, but also because they can splash up and some have even been known to blind people.
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So far the SinkvShroom has been an easy fix, with no special installation required. I’m not looking forward to cleaning it regularly, but it’s a better option than clogs, and it beats losing my jewelry other items down the drain. One warning though, there is a gap of about a half an inch that allows water flow, so small jewelry can still fall down the drain, but you may get an extra second or two to retrieve it if it bounces off the Sinks Shroom.
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The Sink Shroom fits a typical utility sink drain, which is about 1.25 inches in diameter. It’s made of high-grade material that is resistant to corrosion and discoloration. Find out where you can get it at <a href=””></a>.